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Virtual Laser Keyboards – Back to the Future!

Virtual Laser Keyboards – Back to the Future!

The new bluetooth virtual computer keyboard will revolutionize the industry because it represents a paradigm shift – away from common input devices that we use daily. Comparable to the size of a small TV remote control, this portable keyboard allows for ease of use by people with disabilities and all but eradicates health concerns of standard keyboards. Also, since it projects a laser display, you will never experience the “stuck” key syndrome. Clean and Green – Back to the Future!!!

Everyone remembers the futuristic cartoon “The Jetsons” and their technological advancements with daily activities: the flying car, the robotic maid and watch dog, the skylift and numerous other labor saving devices. As children, we longed to see the day when we would live in a world where life was controlled by the use of a single button. Yet in reality, during this time, automated technologies were in their embryonic stages and worldwide computer usage was at a bare minimum.


Computers and video games were groundbreaking inventions because they changed the way we worked and had fun. Sort of like what the pen and pencil had done, as compared to a feather and ink. Computers were a step beyond the conventional output devices used during the time period and they made us feel like we were moving toward a futuristic world. The typewriter, which was the first successful mechanical device using hand movements to communicate complex thoughts, was eventually phased out of production and daily usage. If you ask a 10 year old to describe the machine called a typewriter, you’d get a look of puzzlement.

Actually, the typewriter is still around! Yet, not in its original limited capacity, name and bulky form. They have evolved into computers. Computers were designed in a fashion similar to typewriters, so that its users could easily adapt to them. The computer keyboard kept the same “qwerty” format as its predecessor – the typewriter – and the rest is history! The computer offered much more functionality than the typewriter, which eventually caused it to become obsolete. So in order to evolve modern thinking to change status quo, it must be convinced that any new idea being introduced is easily adaptable; as well as “better than” that which is already in use.

A Portable Standard keyboard projected by laser display

Today, advancements in digital electronics and bluetooth laser technology have revolutionized the modern standard keyboard. There will come a time in the near future, when the device that Im using to type this article, will become “passe”. The new bluetooth virtual computer keyboard is an invention that will revolutionize the computer industry because it is portable, relatively easy to use, and has long term benefits on the human body and the environment.

The laser virtual keyboard projects an infrared standard keyboard display on any surface (preferably flat). This means that the traditional “qwerty” keyboard format that you learned back in high school, is beamed onto any surface area like a “holographic” display. This device optically detects and inputs human hand/finger motions that mimics keystrokes on a conventional keyboard. Bluetooth technology will enable you to use this with desktop computers, laptops, pda’s and Blackberry’s. As I’m writing this, I wonder if the future of musical instruments, specifically the piano, will ever be the same!

Health Benefits for Industry and Personal Use

There are numerous other benefits of using this technology. Primarily, the health aspect! With the spread of H1N1 and other airborne pathogens, people are becoming more and more cautious of their surroundings. Its not uncommon today, to see people wearing dust masks and using lots of hand sanitizing solution. No one wants to catch the “super bug”. So the question is, “what does all of this have to do with your standard keyboard?”

Well the answer is really simple!! **In recent studies, keyboards have been classified as dirtier than toilets http://abcnews.go.com/Health/Germs/story?id=4774746&page=1 **

They have been found to contain E.Coli (you know, the nasty little bacteria that you dont see that gets on your hand after using the bathroom and not sanitizing properly), Staph infections, MRSA – the flesh eating bacteria, stomach flu, and the list goes on and on. Keyboard usage is like a handshake or even a kiss. When you come in contact with one, you share whatever’s lurking on it. Think of the numerous times you have seen a co-worker or family member leave the bathroom and not wash his/her hands. Or what about the time when so and so sneezed (which released 100,000 droplets of germs into the air). If they use computers, then its very likely that there are germs deposited onto the keyboard – the very, single button device that we use to make our lives simpler. A shift to the usage of new technology can eradicate this problem. The bluetooth virtual keyboard is that solution because there are no physical components that bacteria can come in contact with. As long as the surface that it is projected onto is clean, then you’re 100 percent safe. Businesses in the near future will deploy this device because it can help prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses, as well as assist employees with physical limitations.

Ergonomically sound – people who suffer from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome will find that the virtual keyboard is relatively easy to use. Also, when this device is utilized, people who suffer from CTS symptoms cannot lay blame on company equipment.

Supports the Green Movement

Last but not least. This technology supports the “green movement” because there would be no plastic keyboards left to contaminate or toxify the environment. Everyone knows that plastic takes a considerable amount of time to degrade. Yet, while in landfills, plastics breakdown into chemicals that are absorbed into the soil and possibly even groundwater. So basically, in our quest to live comfortably, we tend to cause more problems than we may have initially experienced.

By shifting to a cleaner, greener, ease of use product – the virtual keyboard will revolutionize the way we use computers daily. Not only does the virtual bluetooth computer keyboard offer a paradigm shift for input devices, its very possible that item could also be developed into a virtual display. Imagine fusing a pseudo keyboard, along with a small projector – all of which emanate from a single device, the size of a small remote control.