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Time Management Techniques for School: How to Study

Time Management Techniques for School: How to Study

Education is a three-way street between teachers, students, and parents. Educating the youth of India is a task which should not be taken lightly and it is important that this education is delivered with scrutiny. Parents are the ones who have the sole right to know how the pupils and the schools are performing so that they can always keep themselves updated of the daily activities in the school. To analyze the performance of the school, Entab has developed a cloud-based tool CampusCare which brings improvisation in delivering the accountability to the parents.

When the parents are automatically notified or updated about the daily activities & whereabouts of their child in real-time, it ultimately results in such a situation where the accountability factor of the school increases which can be achieved with the help of Entab’s School Management Software.

The Cloud-based School Management Software has created an array of tools such as CampusCare and CampusSoft which enables the teachers to develop an interaction level and constant communication with parents for a better learning environment which ultimately results in the progress of the child.

Some of the reasons of how a school becomes accountable towards parents via

School ERP Software are as follows:-

• With the help of Student Information System completely monitored by the School Administration ERP Software, teachers and school administration can send alert messages to parents to keep them notified of the upcoming PTM meetings regarding of any changes in time & date via SMS alerts to avoid any kind of miscommunication.

• With the help of School Management Software & Mobile Apps, parents can always be updated of their child’s academic performance by viewing the Report Cards of all the assessments conducted in the class right on their palms. This can be helpful in case the students fail to convey the information regarding the exams to their parents instead of waiting for annual PTM meetings. This helps to ensure about any gap in the student’s learning & thus cover the void by their careful intervention.

• When the parents stay updated regarding the day-to-day activities of their child in the school, they feel much more strongly connected to the school and this strong connection helps to maintain a long-term relation & trust with the school in the future years which can be achieved by the Online School ERP Software.

• By using the Cloud Based School Management Mobile Apps, parents can be timely notified regarding all the daily assignments, events, project preparation for upcoming exhibitions etc. via SMS alerts. This can be advantageous to the children since parents will aid the children in completing their daily home works, assignments and also on time project submission. Thus, it can boost up the overall academics & co-curricular development of the student.

• With the help of Attendance Maintenance Apps, school can always be accountable to the parents regarding the leave status & leave records of students in case of absentees by sending alert messages immediately to the parents so that they can be aware of the presence of their child inside the school premises.

• An efficient ERP Software, helps out the school administration to always keep parents reminded of the dues in fees, fine payments etc. It also provides an impeccable feature of online fees payment through the School ERP Mobile Apps both for Android and iOS device users by which the parents can make the fee payment while being on the go.

• Through Entab’s CampusCare which is the Pioneer in School Management Systems, parents can always keep themselves tracked of their child’s location while the children are travelling in the school transport and hence can keep themselves alert of any kind of unusual situations occurring.

• The Hassle Free Library Management App provides as a tool for the independent learning of the child. Libraries are places of learning and discovery for each and everyone. Parents can have a record of all the books issued by their child, get reminded of any fine payments for the books in case of late submission, etc. This can help the parents to keep their children always set on the path of inventions by inculcating good reading habits in the children.

For the betterment & growth of child it is more important that there needs to be a good & strong association and communication between parents and teachers with accuracy. It is also necessary to have a good relationship and strong bond between the child and parents. This association & relationship can be made even more stronger by using Entab’s CampusCare which provides an end to end ERP solution and moreover is User-friendly.

The Automated School ERP Solution helps parents who are very busy with their hectic work schedules to monitor and track their child’s progress throughout the year. It also provides help in monitoring the discipline of the child, personal development, and also the academic growth of the child in all aspects.