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Three Ways to Build Your Resume

Three Ways to Build Your Resume

People often ask us if the resume is dead. Employers tell us that it is still alive and kicking, albeit with new technologies.

Cutting Edge Resume Resources
Software companies like Purzue give job seekers an amazing multimedia resume platform. Why be limited to words on a page when you can create an interactive story that shows examples of your work, blogs, awards and recommendations with just one click? This may be most applicable to people in creative fields, but it’s a resource that could still help any candidate stand out as it demonstrates initiative, originality and breadth of knowledge.

Keywords and Your Resume
Keywords are to resumes as Google’s algorithm is to search. Just as a business will not rank high on a Google search page if it doesn’t pay attention to the keywords that people use when conducting a search, the same is true for resumes.

Companies often receive thousands of resumes and the only cost-effective solution is to use technology to search resumes for keywords that match the job posting. So, when you’re writing your own resume, this is a great intro to pinpointing and using keywords in your application process. Another approach is to copy and paste a job description into TagCrowd. This will give you a visual key as to which words are used the most.

Pump up Your Resume with New Skills
Developing new skills can be an effective way to make yourself more competitive in a tough job market and build your confidence. There has never been a better time to conveniently and cost effectively add to your capabilities with the new, online educational options changing the landscape.

W3Schools offer free online courses where you can learn about web development- a skill that’s always in demand. The site offers opportunities for beginners through advanced users. Similarly, edX offers a number of free online courses in subjects ranging from chemistry to computer graphics and artificial intelligence. For a relatively low cost, Lynda is one of several sites to offer 24/7 training in many subject areas from web development to programming. For $25/month you can try as many training videos as you like without a long-term commitment. (If you live in the New York City area, SIBL-the New York Public Library’s specialized library for business on Madison and 34th-now offers free unlimited training using the Lynda courses.)

For free online classes across a broad range of topics taught by professors at top universities, try Coursera. Recently, five courses have been approved for college credit and Coursera has also introduced several verified certificate courses. Similarly, Udacity is another great (and free) website for online learning, geared toward the sciences and programming.

You only have a moment to capture a would-be employer’s attention with your resume. Creating one that takes advantage of the newest technologies can help you get noticed!