Gun sights and boresights can be of great benefit for law enforcement officers to use as part of their firearm accessories. While there are a wide variety of different types of gun sights and boresights available, some of the most popular ones are from SightMark which is a company that produces award-winning products that are designed for hunting, shooting and tactical uses.
A popular gun sight which would be a great advantage to officers is the SightMark Tactical Red Dot Sight which is a perfect sight for tactical rifles, shotguns or handguns. The SightMark Tactical Red Dot Sight comes with a built-in integrated Weaver/Picatinny mount which fits all standard bases and is able to withstand heavy recoil calibers. This SightMark Tactical Red Dot Sight is extremely accurate and features unlimited eye relief and precision multi-coated optics.
Another great choice in gun sights for officers is the SightMark Ultra Shot QD Digital Switch Reflex Sight which was created in order to satisfy the demand for a lightweight, durable and accurate sight. This gun sight is perfect for close range, fast moving targets, and it is equipped with a digital switch button on the side which allows officers to adjust variable brightness settings. The SightMark Ultra Shot QD Digital Switch Reflex Sight containing the digital switch button also allows law enforcement officers to not have to mess with a tedious dial any longer and allows them to be able to enjoy the added convenience and sleek look of a push button. The Sightmark Ultra Shot QD Digital Reflex Sight also features a quick detach mount that is perfect for quick removal when iron sights or other accessories are used.
Another popular firearm accessory for officers is boresights. One that has been noted to be a best seller is the SightMark .223 Boresight which is the most convenient and accurate method for sighting in rifles of all types. The user simply has to chamber the laser boresight like a regular bullet and a laser dot will show exactly where the rifle is aiming. Live fire is only needed to fine tune the weapon being sighted in order to compensate for inconsistencies such as bullet drop due to distance.
While there are a wide variety of gun sights and boresights that could be a great advantage to officers, these are just a few of the most popular items from SightMark. These gun sights and boresights are a great addition to law enforcement equipment in order to provide more accuracy and precision when shooting.
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