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Healing Secrets of the Pharaohs-Egyptian Healing Rods

Healing Secrets of the Pharaohs-Egyptian Healing Rods

For 3,000 years statues of the Pharaohs depicted them holding two rods. The Pharaohs used the rods to promote personal power, vitality, and spiritual development (to attune themselves to Cosmic Forces). They also understood the flow of energies in the human body and the importance of balancing these Yin and Yang (female and male) energies. Accordingly, a different type of rod was made for each hand.

Only the Pharaohs and their High Priests were ever allowed to touch what we now know are incredible healing devices. When the Egyptian dynasties ended, knowledge of the purpose and use of the rods was known only to a few secret mystical societies who kept their existence hidden until a European nobleman revealed them to the world.

In the early 1990’s, Russian medical doctors, physicists, astro-psychologists, and scientists jumped at the chance to learn more about these ancient tools. Through years of scientific studies and research they “reinvented” the rods used by Egyptian Pharaohs.

A copper rod (signifying the Sun and Masculine Energy) was created to use in the right hand. A zinc rod (signifying the Moon and Feminine Energy) was developed for the left hand. Different materials, including quartz crystal, are inserted into the rods, depending upon the intended effect, such as physical healing or spiritual development. Russian cosmonauts, athletes, medical doctors, scientists, and others use the rods on a regular basis to restore balance, increase health and performance, and tap their inner powers.

When carrying out a number of targeting experiments,Dr. M.A. Blank, specialist of the Oncological Center in Pesochny, discovered that the influence of the rods creates a special condition in the organism making it more efficient at self-healing. Dr. Blank suggests that the rods be recommended as a preventive remedy for people with transcontinental syndrome, whose business is connected with flights from one time zone to another (pilots, sportsmen, tourists, long-distance drivers, etc.) and when asynchronous modes of internal and external organism work causes headache and weakness.

When held properly, the rods create an electrical conduit that moves through the body along the meridians used in acupuncture, both increasing energy flow and improving the functioning of the central nervous system.

Kirlian photography, which shows the energy flow in the body, reveals that seven minutes of holding the rods has the same effect as 30 minutes of acupuncture. The rods actually “cleanse” the meridian system which allows energy to move more freely through the body. They balance the body and strengthen the immune response system so the body can heal itself.

The rods have been used to help reduce the symptoms of insomnia, stress, fatigue, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, gastric distress, cancerous tumors, and many other illnesses.
The research, carried out in June 2000 by Polish bio-energetic doctors, under the leadership of Marek Stavisky, showed that: “A surface of the zinc rod radiates the ultraviolet spectrum. I use this spectrum for splitting the structures of malignant tumors and for freezing their activity. Another spectrum, that appears on the butt-end of the zinc rod, is used for radiating the malignant tumors before operating.” His studies show that the radiation provided only by the single zinc Rod can be successfully used for treating cancer. A set of the more powerful rods used as a pair provides the radiation.

Egyptian Healing Rods stimulate the endocrine, immune, and nervous systems; harmonize energies of couples when shared; relieve pain; help balance the chakras or energy centers of the body; and stimulate the body as a whole organism, thus promoting healing.

Dr. M.A. Nikulin,a senior research worker at the Dzhanelidze First Aid Scientific Research Institute in St. Petersburg, concluded the following after some medical investigations of the Egyptian’s Rods influence on the human organism were carried out: “When any pathologies within a human body are detected we observe a thermal asymmetry between the ill and healthy parts of the body. Held in hands, the rods equalize this thermal asymmetry, thus showing their therapeutic effect.”

They create a powerful Bio-field around the body shielding it from negative energies. Researching the rods at the International Shaping Federation, Professor E. Ziminof Shaping College provides the following conclusion: “The investigation of different types of the rods did show, that the rods, when contacting the human hands, causes a flow of high frequency energy, affecting a person’s bio-field. As a result of this influence, a bio-field purification from foreign field inclusions takes place, as well as purification of energy channels. The efficiency of chakras’ functioning, size of the person’s bio-field and energy of human’s physical body increase also.

All of us are exposed to negative energy every day. These harmful influences can come from the attitudes of people we encounter, world events, environmental pollution, and the stress of everyday living. Daily exposure to these negative influences can simply wear you down and leave you open to fatigue, depression, anger and disease.

The Egyptian Healing Rods can restore your energy and reduce the harmful effects of stress and negative energy by helping to return your body to its natural balance. The rods can help you feel more calm and centered. With your mind clear, you will find it easier to focus and accomplish more with less stress.

If you work as a healer, counselor or body worker, you know how working closely with many people each day can deplete you. Using the healing rods between sessions can restore your energy and clear your mind so that you can give each client or patient your best.

The views of specialists in Tsigun, Yoga and other Bio-Energetic Practices:… are nearly the same. The influence of the rods increases the movement of “Chi” (“prana”) in the energy meridians or canals. Due to increased movement of Chi, canals “furred up” by disorders are actively cleansed and a healthy energy balance between the organs is restored. This increased movement of Chi causes a pricking sensation or numbness in the tips of the fingers and a pulsation in the center of the palms and soles. The process of clearing blockages may also cause a fairly wide range of sensations. Most commonly occurring are: a vibration, pressure or bursting in certain parts of the body to the point of a tolerable and rapidly passing pain, a ringing in the ears and a slight dizziness. As the energy balance is restored these sensations disappear. Regular use of the Egyptian Rods, while observing a number of rules in daily life, strengthens and reinforces one’s energetic potential. Enabling one to establish contact with higher forms of intelligence and to manifest other superior capabilities associated with a healthy and morally pure human being.

Regular use of the rods deepens meditation and enhances mental and psychic abilities such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and connection with the Flow of Life Force. They are powerful tools for manifesting and co creating!

The view of Astro-psychologists:”… even the rods’ influence of short duration (about 5 minutes) on human’s psycho-physical fields and energetic structure stimulates the concentration of attention on inner images created by it, enforcinga trance and meditative effect. While a hypnotist may require months of trainings to reach the necessary concentration of attention, using the rods the training time decreases greatly, and the effect realized is much higher than that one reached by ordinary methods. Moreover, it is a rule of thumb, that using the rods both cerebral hemispheres become synchronized, and the potentials of the left and right hemispheres’ cortex equalize.

The Egyptian Healing Rods are energetically conditioned in a 72 foot tall pyramid outside of St. Petersburg, Russia.

It’s important to know some of the research results of the Russian National Academy of Sciences relative to pyramids:

1. As a result of building a pyramid complex in an oil field in Southern Russia (Bashkiria), the oil became lighter (less viscous) by 30{3bb2a8e703be8d5bb7fc1289a915cd39229c5bcd006c8cdf059732c7e19a8eab} and the yield of the oil wells increased as confirmed by (Gubkin) Moscow Academy of Oil and Gas.

2. Areas near the pyramids seem to have diminished seismic activity. Instead of one large powerful earthquake occurring, there are hundreds of tiny ones. Also violent weather seems to decrease in the area of the pyramids.

3. Newborns were given solutions that had been placed in the pyramid and their health indexes increased greatly.

4. Agricultural seeds placed in the pyramid for 1 to 5 days showed a 30-100{3bb2a8e703be8d5bb7fc1289a915cd39229c5bcd006c8cdf059732c7e19a8eab} increase in yield.

5. The immune systems of organisms increased upon exposure in the pyramid (leukocyte composition of the blood increased and there was an increased regeneration of tissues).

6. Experiments with about 5,000 people in Russian jails showed that in a few months most crimes almost disappeared and behavior was much improved as a result of adding salt and pepper conditioned in the pyramid to the inmates food.

7. The potency of pharmaceuticals increased with decreasing side effects.

8. When radioactive waste is placed inside the pyramids, there is a decrease in their level of radioactivity.

9. There are changes in superconductivity temperature thresholds and properties of semiconductors and carbon materials.

10. Ordinary water does not freeze even at 40 degrees below zero and retains its properties for years.

11. Synthesized diamonds turn out harder and purer.

12. There is an increase in survival of cellular tissue infected by viruses and bacteria and the pyramids decrease the strength of various viruses and bacteria.

13. When the cap was being placed on the 22 meter Lake Seliger pyramid, Russian Military radar spotted an energy column rising several miles high in the sky and scrambled fighter jets. Several months after this pyramid was built, the Ozone layer improved in the Russian atmosphere.

14. Over 40{3bb2a8e703be8d5bb7fc1289a915cd39229c5bcd006c8cdf059732c7e19a8eab} of the mice injected with a toxin lethal to mice survived when the toxin was conditioned in a pyramid.

The rods and the energy of the pyramid, based upon Sacred Geometry, become synergized, making them powerful healing and transformational tools. They represent cutting edge technology rediscovered from ancient Egypt which allow us to greatly improve our mental and physical abilities in a very short period of time.