Back in the 1980’s the use of robots was becoming quite widespread for many and diverse applications in the industry. They became popularized on TV and in movies and were being newly tasked with many jobs to cut down on labor costs and increase precision in the production of many items. This included using the robot duct cleaning technology in residential, industrial and business office applications.
About the same time that robots were coming into their own, there was a new awareness of some of the problems posed by building HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) systems. You might recall the big scare that occurred surrounding what was newly termed Legionnaire’s Disease, when so many people got sick while attending a conference of the American Legion in Philadelphia in 1976. It was later determined that the bacteria responsible for making so many people ill had been lurking in the building’s air duct system.
If not completely and regularly cleaned of dust and debris, air ducts can become host to a variety of problem causing bacteria and fungi that, left untreated, can cause illness to those exposed to the environment within the building. Some of the symptoms can include tiredness, fever, chills, loss of appetite and headache, among others. The air duct cleaning industry then found a new employment for robotics that was a big help in educating clients. They started using small robots with cameras to travel throughout the air duct systems and make a video of just was up there in those hidden areas. This could be shown to a prospective customer as proof positive that a real problem existed in their facility.
But that was just the beginning. Since these machines had become so useful in identifying the problem with the HVAC systems, maybe they could be further adapted to help fix the problem too. And that’s just what happened.
After all, getting into an air duct to clean it was no easy feat, especially ducts with a small diameter. Pressurized air was typically employed for cleaning, with an attachment at the end of a long hose. But this set-up was kind or hit or miss, especially with all the nooks and crannies, bends and corners that air ducts often have. It was better than not cleaning them at all, but still left a result that was less than ideal.
To address this shortcoming, a new robot was developed to actually do the cleaning. Outfitted with bristle brushes, cameras and lights, this little gadget went to work like a mad demon. Run by remote control, with a TV monitor for viewing where it was going and where it had been, this little guy is awesome.
Use of the robot saves big on labor costs and makes the job quicker and easier. With adjustable brushes moving on all sides it’s possible to clean all duct surfaces in one shot. And these machines are designed to get into all the corners that, until now, had been practically impossible to accomplish.
There is really no better way to clean air duct systems. And you’ll certainly breathe easier after the job is done. If you want it done fast and you want it done right, using the robot duct cleaning method is the only way to go.
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